International Licensed Psychic
Registered Certified Hypnotherapist



December 2009 News Letter

To all of you who have asked, gift certificates are always available,
whether it is the Holidays, a birthday, or whenever you would like
to give a pick-me-up to someone.
Just call or E-mail and we will arrange it.

Top of the newsletter warning!!!
Mercury is going retrograde Dec.24 and won't be direct until
Jan.15. No signing of contracts, no beginning something you want
to last, no starting new businesses or partnerships, no marriages.
Good time to visit old friends and enjoy family.

I am adding special wolf info on Nick and Lori's Pet Awards.
Be sure and check it...., Click Here

I have been busy today and yesterday writing this month's newsletter
for the website. Also over this last week I have had clients and friends
both here and abroad that seem to be facing very stressful situations.
Because when I was doing this so many of you had hard problems I
thought I should write and explain what I came up with as I was creating
the newsletter.

A favorite client called who has been going through a lot of legal
problems and has continually tried to do the right thing, but is feeling
whatever he does just doesn't go forward.

He said that he had been to the hospital that morning because he had
been "depersonalized". He said he felt this when they were trying to give
him an IV. I assumed he meant he was dehydrated and had somehow

The word he had somehow pulled out of the sky fascinated me. So I
looked it up: de·per·son·al·ize (d-pûrs-n-lz) the dictionary definition was:
"To deprive of individual character of a sense of personal identity:
a large corporation that depersonalizes its employees."

The psychological definition was:
" A state in which the normal sense of personal identity and reality is lost."

I realized that my client had accurately described the exact state he was
in mentally as a result of his legal problems.

My other clients and friends that were all having problems had also been
faced with legal problems like everything from forced bankruptcy to
should never even have happened to being arrested while trying to recover
stolen property to family members being violent to each other when they
never had been before.

I then realized that many people are feeling the same because they feel
friends and family are no longer there for them. Some of them have lost
jobs, their homes, and the money for their children's education. These
situations are happening worldwide. Many people are feeling depersonalized.
Much anger is surfacing without people even wanting it to.

Because of all this I went to see what was exactly happening with the stars.
I feel that what I found is especially meaningful to what is happening right
now and has been happening at the least the last few weeks and will still be
occurring for a time. The main point I see is that Jupiter and Neptune are in
Aquarius and opposite Mars in Leo. To put it plainly, people are trying very
hard to get things done but are totally opposed with Jupiter giving them no
luck doing things and Neptune which means that some of the actions they
are taking can have very bad results and that looking for justice just might
be an exercise in frustration.

What can go forward is love and family and creativity. Bad thoughts and
greed will have bad effects. It is important to put your personal filter on
before taking action and before speaking. With the holiday season coming
up some of the very best gifts can be gifts of love........, poems, or music, or
flowers, something you have made, or even a handwritten letter that tells
someone what they have meant to you and what they mean to you.


Wishing you Love, Peace, Prosperity and the ability and
energy to start the new beginnings, friendships, and financial
associations we all need now and the courage and strength to find them.



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Lori King

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